Here are some of our other services we have to offer!
Snow Melt Systems
Cold winter temperatures aren’t only inconvenient and uncomfortable; they can be dangerous when ice is allowed to build on walking surfaces. Other services we offer are our snow melt systems, which are designed to effectively remove ice and snow from the desired areas of your property. We are able to provide these services for both residential properties and commercial businesses alike. From heated driveways to parking lots, we provide excellent services to melt the snow without the need of salt or shovels.
Duct Design
The design of a duct system significantly impacts its overall effectiveness. When a duct system is poorly designed, it will be unable to operate efficiently. This will result in a less comfortable environment and higher energy costs. Here at Custom Comfort, we offer high-quality duct design services to ensure that your home has a custom-built duct system that will operate as effectively as possible in order to optimize your system.
Solar Water Heater
A solar water heater can reduce overall energy expenses associated with obtaining hot water. There are multiple kinds of solar water heaters, so it is vital to consult with an expert when you decide on the superior kind of water heater for your particular situation. There are many benefits to obtaining a solar water heater for your property, as solar power is a renewable energy source that will benefit both your wallet and the environment.

Radon Mitigation
Radon is a lethal gas that can’t be seen, smelled, or tasted. Its difficulty to detect is why it is incredibly important to have your home tested for the presence of radon. Radon occurs when uranium, a naturally occurring substance, decays. Our experts are skilled in both detecting the presence of radon, as well as implementing radon reduction systems to protect the health of you and your family.
For further questions on our other services we offer, contact us online or by phone today!