Air Conditioning
Incredibly hot temperatures result in incredibly uncomfortable homes. An effective air conditioning unit can offset these uncomfortable temperatures. However, an air conditioning system that doesn’t function effectively will result in astronomical energy bills. Regularly maintaining your air conditioning system will help to ensure that it remains in good condition and continues to operate as effectively as possible.
When an air conditioning unit breaks down, it will be incredibly uncomfortable to be within the home. Not only can this make it more difficult to obtain appropriate levels of sleep, but it can even cause the individuals residing in the home to be more susceptible to heat stroke or other dangerous conditions. Regular maintenance will go a long way toward preventing issues from occurring with your air conditioning system, which will create a far more comfortable environment.

Energy efficient upgrades provide a multitude of benefits to a home. They can significantly reduce your energy expenses, improve the level of comfort within your building, and are better for the environment. Geothermal energy is a type of energy that takes advantage of the earth’s natural heat to conduct heating and cooling processes. It essentially involves moving temperatures around to provide efficient temperature regulating services. To create a cooler environment, a geothermal HVAC will move heat from within the house to the earth outside in order to create a comfortable environment without excessive energy expenses.
Heat Exchangers
The purpose of a heat exchanger is to allow the transfer of heat between two fluids, without the fluids ever mixing. Heat exchangers are used for both heating and cooling processes, which makes it incredibly important for them to operate effectively. Depending on the quality and type of heat exchanger used, they may last anywhere from 15-25 years. Having old heat exchangers replaced can go a long way toward improving the effectiveness of your cooling systems. Contact us at Custom Comfort Heating and cooling today!