Due to the amount of time that people spend indoors, it is essential to focus on the air quality inside of your property. When you have insufficient air quality, you will likely experience a great many issues, particularly with your health. It is important to understand what may impact your indoor air quality and how you can resolve these issues. At Custom Comfort, our team is passionate about ensuring that you have the appropriate services to ensure ideal air quality inside of the home. Here are a few ways to improve indoor air quality.
The Importance of Good Indoor Air Quality
The air quality inside of your building will impact the health of those within the building. Many people spend as much as 90% of their time indoors. Spending this amount of time exposed to pollutants can be incredibly detrimental to the health of individuals. This is why it is crucial to be aware of the air quality that is present within your building, as well as to take the steps to improve the air quality inside of your building.
Sources of Air Pollutants

There are many sources of pollutants that can detract from the air quality inside of your home. An accumulation of dust, pollen, and pet dander can easily trigger allergy symptoms, as well as additional problems with the air. Bacteria can circulate through the air of your home and cause illnesses. Mold and mildew typically grow in moist environments, such as the bathroom or basement, and can cause issues when you regularly breathe in these spores. Asbestos that has been used as insulation inside of your building can release toxic particles when disturbed. Carbon monoxide is another very serious problem that can impact the air quality of your home.
How a Professional can Improve Indoor Air Quality
Working with a professional can help to improve the air quality inside of your home. You may decide to have various air cleaners installed to your building, such as air purifiers or humidifiers. It can also be useful to have a professional improve the ventilation inside of your home to greatly improve the air quality. It is useful to regularly have your air ducts cleaned by a professional to remove harmful pollutants that can otherwise circulate through the air in your property.
Short-Term Impact of Poor Air Quality
There are several things that can occur in the short-term due to breathing in low quality air. This exposure can result in headaches, as well as exacerbate or trigger allergic reactions. It can also cause dizziness and chronic fatigue. Irritation of various components of your body can also occur due to poor air quality, including the nose, eyes, and throat.
Long-Term Impact
There are even more severe and fatal consequences that can occur due to poor air quality. When you are exposed to this poor air quality for a prolonged period of time, you can potentially develop various respiratory diseases or heart disease. This exposure can even lead to cancer, depending on the particles that you are exposed to.
How you Can Improve Indoor Air Quality
Working with a professional can greatly improve your indoor air quality. However, it is still important to ensure that you are taking the steps that you can in order to help protect indoor air quality. Even the best air filter won’t be very effective if you aren’t changing it regularly. When dirt and grime accumulates on these filters, they won’t be able to remove pollutants from your home. It is also important to ensure that you regularly clean and vacuum inside of your home. This will help to remove the amount of dust and dander that is able to circulate throughout your air.
Improving indoor air quality is essential when it comes to protecting the health of those within your home. Our experts at Custom Comfort can help you to make the modifications necessary to enhance the quality of the air inside of your building. Whether you need an air purifier or better ventilation, we are well-equipped to meet your needs. To learn more about how you can improve indoor air quality, as well as the importance of monitoring the air quality inside of your building, contact us at Custom Comfort today!